5 Home Styling Tips that Reflects Your Personality
Dressing up and styling your home is somewhat similar to one another. Why did we say so? This is because dressing up and styling your home both reflect your personality. Although with dressing up, you get to experiment every day on how you want to look; with styling your home, it’s normally choosing what best suits your personal preferences and putting them all in one place to live with it.
In this modern age, there are already a lot of furniture designs to choose from that are not only trendy and functional but will also fit the style you prefer for your home. Here is the list of styling tips for your home that will reflect your personality:
1. Know Thyself

Are you a bright person? Outgoing? In order to style your house, first you must think of your likes and dislikes. Keep in mind that your personal preferences matter in styling your home. It is ok to ask for some suggestions from others, but it is better if the final decision comes from you. Knowing what kind of style and colors to add are very much helpful when you want the vibe of your home to feel more like yourself. Think of the patterns you like for your furniture; it could be plain for a more simple look, or it could be stripes, scales, chevron, and other patterns of your choice.
If you’re the type who prefers a traditional style, go with pieces of furniture that match. Take note that everything has to go together when you’re eyeing for traditional style; modern and eclectic pieces of furniture are not permissible. With a modern style, it is best if you keep it simple. No need for too much furniture on this one, as you would need space to present a modern vibe. But if you’re the type who prefers an eclectic style, it would be good to mix traditional and modern style for your home.
2. Add Something You Like

Adding something you like when you are styling your home is another good tip, as it also reflects your personality. Putting things like your favorite color, pictures, or hobby. will give a personal vibe to your home. If you’re a music lover, adding pieces of furniture that represent your love for music will definitely show more of you. A nice suggestion is to put a stool or stools that look like a boombox. If you’re into board games, you can pick any board game of your choice and hang them on the wall for display. Anything that you like and what represents you can be used to style your home, but also remember to not overdo it and maintain balance.
3. Try Experimenting with the Furniture

First is picture yourself in your home and the furniture you want. Check the furniture inside to see if it is comfortable and if it would suit your preference the most. After that, you’ll have a better idea of what furniture you’re going to purchase. You can now choose a piece of furniture that is based on your style, like patterns, features, and colors. If you’re the kind of person who is outgoing, try mixing pop colors that match the material of your furniture. Mixing and matching could be fun, but make sure that it is still at par to how you imagined the style of your home would be.
You can check out our Sapphire Sofa Bed, it is very comfortable and has a pop color that will easily catch your attention.
4. Put Memorabilia and Artworks

As they, “art is the expression of the soul.” Putting artworks of your choice can somehow reflect a glimpse of your running thoughts. Another thing is adding memorabilia in your home as a display like tickets from concerts or souvenirs from other places. Adding pictures of you, together with your family and friends that showcase your childhood up to your adulthood will make it more personal. For display in the living room or any other room, you can also hang diplomas and other certificates of awards as they are personal achievements that will show more about you.
5. Avoid Being Impulsive

After making all the decision and knowing what you like, don’t just grab and buy it. Think twice before you purchase any furniture or artworks. You should also be cautious about what you are picking. At the end of the day, you might regret the thing/s you bought and there’s a possibility it won’t suit the flow of the style.
We hope this article helped you in deciding what suits your taste. If you’re looking for pieces of furniture for your home styling, visit our shop! Like us on our Facebook page and follow us on our Instagram. Enjoy shopping for your lovely home!